GetBilled Provides
Quantifiable Insights
into Company's Cashflow
GetBilled Measures Cost to the Company at Every Step of the
Order to Cash Process

DSO Improvement Starts with Billing on Time; Tracking and Accelerating the Journey from Job Completion to Billing is the Key to Reducing Billing Cycle Time (BCT)

Cashflow is a collective responsibility among all stakeholders.

Measure BCT Trends by Customer

Provide Cost of Delay by Customer

Provide Cost of Delay by Reason

Reduce Invoice Rejection Ratio

On an Average Organization Can Save 10% Per Annum Cost of Capital for Each $ Invoiced Early

For example, a company with a USD 100 million Unbilled documents and a rate of 10% Cost of Capital will incur up to 900K per month of lost opportunity cost.

Measure Cost of Capital Impact

Every day of delayed billing can cost a company millions of dollars each year, which leads to a working capital shortfall and Interest charges from banks.

By tracking documents and costs, sales/operations can be measured and incentivized to drive process efficiency, and the company can use KPI data to enforce performance measurement actions.

Cashflow Planning

GetBilled Realtime insights by customers give enterprises a pipeline of billing documents and unbilled reasons to foresee cash delays and take corrective actions.

Improved cashflow allows investing money in strategic new initiatives. Even in declining revenue cycles, companies can improve working capital and liquidity.

Customer Benchmarking

By tracking opportunity costs at the lowest level, you can drive cash strategy decisions on customer selection and contract renewal negotiations.

GetBilled - Value Proposition
Getbilled Process Flow and Value Realization Diagram

Improves the Cashflow by Employing a Smarter Billing Process with the Full Process View, Advanced Analytics, and Daily Performance Visibility with Measurable KPI’s in Every Step of the Order to Cash Process

See How We Can Help You to Accelerate Your Cashflow